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Without the actual physical training, you are frozen at the starting gate. Simply living your life “come what may” is a recipe for disaster. You need vigorous, almost daily, if not daily, exercise. This can be broken down to a few components:
A. Strength Training: You may not have access to a fully loaded, gym with all the perks, but simply put, strength can be increased by just finding something heavy and lifting it. Now put it down….now lift it again. Everyone knows where to find old tires, or rocks and so forth; and this along wth calisthenics, will get you started.
Here is more information on the subject:

Each book available here:https://amzn.to/3nbdSvI (Steve Justa)
More from Steve Justa:https://amzn.to/3neeTmu
Westside’s Book of Methods:https://amzn.to/3lyBtG8
Power to the People:https://amzn.to/3LGp8u2
The Naked Warrior:https://amzn.to/42ygfcg
Jack Lalanne’s Pride and Discipline:https://amzn.to/3JAMDlJ
Functional Training and Beyond:https://amzn.to/40JqGbh
B. Cardio: If you have not a strong heart, you are not strong. You need the pump to move all the nutrients required for muscle growth and strength and speed development. Weak pump, inadequate circulation, lack of success. There are many types of cardio out there; you can start by walking, and moving up the intensity from there. The best case scenario is low impact, low to moderate intensity which can be practiced every day.
You can then “up the ante” with high intensity interval training (HIIT). These can come in the form of wind sprints, load carries or even water jogging (aqua fit). Use your imagination and you will find that the possibilities are endless.
Here are some things that would be helpful:

From left to right, top to bottom:
Greyfit Sandbags:https://amzn.to/3JXRChB
Weighted Vest:https://amzn.to/408Jq3K
Shogun Heavy Sandbags:https://amzn.to/3JZp1Zy
Slam Ball:https://amzn.to/3ZYuV2x
Battle Ropes:https://amzn.to/42xmhtt
Swimmer’s Gloves:https://amzn.to/3LKkxY4
Water Jogging Paddles:https://amzn.to/3LZKByz
C. Flexibility: Ya gotta stretch. “Muscleheads, and Gym rats” are notorious for bypassing the flexibility/mobility aspect of training (guilty). We do this to our detriment as there is a lot of research out there to indicate that to increase yoru range of motion is to further the possiblity of muscular development. Flexibility is so very important in the longvity of the athlete via the prevention of injuries.
For more info on that check out Pavel’s work:
Available here:https://amzn.to/3yYmatC
Sleep truly is the superpower for athletes of any stripe, but particularly for strength development. Without proper and adequate sleep, you really are just spinning your wheels. As a man get bigger and and more muscular, (especially in the neck), there is always the possinbility for sleep apnea. This potentially dangerous condtion will, at best, sap your energy and leave you drained in the weight room or on the playing field. If you find you are tired for no obvious reason, or people tell you you snore, or even worse stop breathing, see a doc about it, The treatment is simple and the result is a surpising amount of increased energy.
Get your sleep. It is worth it to make it a priority. The right amount of sleep will allow your muscles to repair and has been seen to increase the coveted testosterone levels as well.
More info here:
Right here:https://amzn.to/3z4cZYh
You are what you eat as they say. Jack Lalanne used to say, “If man made it, don’t eat it, if it tastes good, spit it out.” Sound advice I’m sure. Personally, I and my wife have had good success with a low carb/keto diet. Lots of info out there on this but allow me to provide a few links to help navigate the waters:
Keto Books:https://amzn.to/3LEwzCd
4. Supplementation
It used to be the only supplementation there was available was Vitamin C and chalky, brutal Protein Powder. My, my. my how things have changed in 45 years since I started lifitng weights! Supplementation could be the missing link in someone’s stalled training.
There are some supplements out there now that are so effective, you wil question their legality; but not to worry fellow strength pilgrim…these supplements are safe, legal and effective.
A. Creatine: The best kept secret in strength building is being used effectively more and more all the time. It is great for recovery and essential for muscle building.

Jacked Factory:https://amzn.to/3LIKNly
Iron Brothers:https://amzn.to/42oMnPg
B. Protein Powder: No list would be comlete without good ‘ol Protein Powder. It has been known since ancient times the muscle building properties of protein. Now experts agree that the standard daily amount is 1-1.5 grams per every pound of lean bodyweight. It is tough to get all that in with food alone without sending your caloric intake into the stratosphere. So…we now have these outstanding products:

Click below for more:
Gold Standard:https://amzn.to/3Z6RSzk
C. Various Other Effective Supplements: We have a short list of some of the best supplements I have found to be very effective in muscle and strength building.

Vit. D3:https://amzn.to/40tN2x2
Branch Chain Aminos:https://amzn.to/3Z8ER8j
Vit. C:https://amzn.to/40rGejD
Tongkat Ali:https://amzn.to/3Txle8Z
5. Recovery
Possibly the most overlooked aspect of training, it is extremely vital as the athlete progresses and ages. There are many aspects to recovery that entail massage, mental health, active recovery, and supplementation. Here are some of the crucial tools you may want to explore as you progress on yoru road to your goals:
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